Frequently Asked Questions
General Questions
What is the PCR Swab Test?
The PCR Swab Test is where a throat / nasal swab is taken and sent to the lab to perform RNA analysis to check if you have an active infection of COVID-19.
See Here for more information.
When Will I get the Results?
We aim to have your results back within 12 – 48 hours.
Whilst most of the results will be returned the next day, due to certain factors outwith our control (courier delays or delays in the lab) we cannot guarantee that you will have your results by a specific time.
A negative result means you did not have COVID-19 at the time the sample was taken. You will receive a fit to fly certificate to provide your airline.
What if my Test is Positive?
If you receive a positive test, this indicates that you have COVID-19 and need to self isolate immediately.
You must consent to enter NHS track and Trace with a positive result. You should contact everyone who you have been incontact with for the last 7 days.
For more information on a positive test result you should visit or contact the NHS on 111.
What if my Test is Negative?
If your test is negative, you will receive your fit to fly certificate to provide your airline.
Please be aware that a negative test result means that you are negative at the time the swab was taken, there is a chance that you could still contract COVID-19. You should be taking all of the neccessary procautions to prevent transmission.
We reccommend wearing a mask, washining your hands regularly for 20 seconds and keeping a safe distance (6 feet) from other people. You should also be following the government guidance regarding restrictions or lockdowns withing your area.
Is your Lab Accredited?
In order to provide COVID-19 testing laboratories must be UKAS accredited and also conform to ISO 15189.
Our Lab is both UKAS accredited and conforms to ISO 15189.
How Reliable is the Test?
The test has the sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 100%.
What is an unclear Result?
On a very rare occasion (1% of tests), a person’s swab will come back with a result as UNCLEAR.
This can happen if there is not enough moisture in the throat or nasal cavities and therefore not enough viral RNA is collected to enable a successful test.
Please be aware that if this happens, there will not be enough time to carry out a second swab and you will not have a result to enable you to travel.
About Our Services
Private Clinic
We are a private medical service with clinics in Kilmarnock and Hamilton. We are owned and operated by a medical practitioner with over 20 years experience. Providing quick and easy access to appointments with fully quallified and experienced doctors.
We can quickly arrage your COVID-19 swab test to enable you to get a fit to fly certificate, which is required for you to travel to many countiries.
Have a Different Question?
Email us anytime
Or call — 0141 221 2496
Better Health Care is Our Mission
Same Day Appointments are Available.